The 5th European Conference on Technology Assessment (TA) is about digital transformations and their challenges for policy, society, economy and research. It takes place in Karlsruhe, Germany, July 25-27 2022, and is hosted by the Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
The Karlsruhe conference is part of a series of conference and continues to strengthen the successful tradition of four international TA conferences held in Prague 2013, in Berlin 2015, in Cork 2017 and in Bratislava 2019. The first two conferences made an important contribution to the main objective of the EU project “Parliaments and Civil Society in Technology Assessment” (PACITA), which was to expand TA across Europe.
It is organized within the GlobalTA network by the Institute of Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis ITAS/KIT (Germany) in collaboration with the Institute of Technology Assessment ITA-ÖAW (Austria), Technology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences TC CAS (Czech Republic), Slovak Academy of Sciences SAS (Slovakia) and Indian Institute of Science (India).
Constanze Scherz (ITAS-KIT Germany), Julia Hahn (ITAS-KIT Germany), Lenka Hebakova (TC CAS Czechia), Tomas Michalek (SAS Slovakia), Linda Nierling (ITAS-KIT Germany), Poonam Pandey (IIS India), Jens Schippl (ITAS-KIT Germany), Tanja Sinozic-Martinez (ITA Austria), Mahshid Sotoudeh (ITA Austria)
Date postponed to July 25-27 2022
Location Center for Art and Media (ZKM), Karlsruhe, Germany
Fees (including catering and supporting program) Regular 200 €; Students 150 €; Online 150 €
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